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Blackwing Descent - Atramedes

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Blackwing Descent - Atramedes Empty Blackwing Descent - Atramedes

Post  Inject Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:37 pm

This fight is the easiest to execute of the 3 bosses after Magmaw and Omnotron Defense System.


Ground Phase (80 seconds)

Sonic Breath - Cast on the player with the highest sound, does 15000 damage per second and adds 20 sound per second.

Searing Flame - around 15k damage per second, and increases fire damage taken by 25% per stack, stacks 8 times over 8 seconds. Must be interrupted by hitting a gong to prevent wipe.

Modulation - The dragon modulates, increasing sound of all enemies by 7 and causing around 40k damage.

Sonar Pulse - Discs of sonic energy gravitate outward of Atramedes, does 6k Arcane Damage and adds sound to players that are hit.

Air Phase (40 Seconds)

Roaring Flame Breath - Does 15k damage per second and adds 20 sound per second. This is the main ability during the air phase and follows the player. Increases in speed until a gong is hit to reset the target and speed.

Sonar Pulse - Discs of sonic energy fly around the room inflictin 6k Arcane Damage and adding 7 sound

Sonar Bomb - Inflicts 30k Arcane Damage to enemies 8 yards, adds 30 sound.

Sonic Fireball - 30k Fire Damage to enemies within 6 yards of impact zone.

Roaring Flames - Patches of fire around the room inflict 15k Fire Damage and 8k damage every second for 4 seconds.

This fight deals with 'sound'. Your sound bar is circular in shape, and the blue is how much sound you have. The higher sound you have the more Atramedes focuses his special moves on you and when you reach full sound you are instantly killed. To deal with the mechanics of this fight, gongs are placed on either sides of the room which reset sound and interrupt spells that Atramedes casts.

1. This fight is a 1 tank fight, have one of your tanks dps. Atramedes will be tanked near the center of the room. There are 2 main things to watch out for during this encounter, one is your sound bar and two is the Searing Flame cast. You want to keep your sound real low and not take unnecessary sound which will increase your risk of dying, to do this you must avoid Sonar Pulses that gravitate outwards of the boss. Some sound is unavoidable such as the Modulation move which gives everyone 7 unavoidable sound periodically.

2. Atramedes has two main moves you must watch for during the ground phase, one is Sonic Breath and the second is Searing Flame. Sonic Breath targets a raid member and starts to breath fire which does 15k damage per second. This is completely avoidable. Once Atramedes turns and faces an area, immediately start circling him and he will turn to chase you but almost never hit you with the breath if done right. The second move is to watch out is the most important, Searing Flame. Searing Flame will wipe a raid if allowed to be channeled. To counter this, assign a player in the raid to run to a gong as soon as Atramedes starts to cast this ability. This interrupts Atramedes and stuns him. Hitting the gong will also reset everyones sound. Ideally you will want to use only one gong during every ground phase, and always at the Searing Flame cast.

3. Air Phase. During the air phase there is not much to worry about, the boss will fly into the air and still be attackable by ranged. The ability to watch out for here is Roaring Flame Breath. As soon as Atramedes flies into the air he will target a raid member and start chasing them with Roaring Flame Breath, which increases in speed the longer it goes without being interrupted, ultimately catching up to the person running and killing them. To counter this, start moving around as soon as he goes into the air phase. Do not stand still. This will give you some time to outrun the breath. Assign a person to hit a gong during the air phase as well, but also assign another person as a failsafe in case the gong hitter gets targeted. Hitting a gong during the air phase will interrupt the Roaring Flame Breath, which will reset its speed and target. Atramedes also throws fire and sonar bombs which add sound to your bars as well so constantly be moving when you can to avoid these attacks. Ideally you only want to use 2 gongs during the air phase.

4. The fight continues like this and alternates between air and ground phases until Atramedes is dead or you wipe due to using up all the gongs.


- Sonar Pulses spawn at the center of Atramedes hit box. If you are a melee stand at max hit range to give you the most distance between the spawn point so you can move accordingly.

- Don't be afraid to use an extra gong if something goes wrong and somebody reaches too high of a sound.

- Don't try to get fancy with mechanics to try to kite the Roaring Flame Breath in air phase too long. You have enough time to use two gongs, if you do it right he will land right after you hit the second gong, and even if you mess up and hit one too early, the 3rd player targeted will be able to kite long enough for him to land, its not as scary as it seems.


Posts : 58
Join date : 2011-01-08

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