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Bastion of Twilight - Valiona and Theralion

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Bastion of Twilight - Valiona and Theralion Empty Bastion of Twilight - Valiona and Theralion

Post  Inject Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:33 pm

Valiona and Theralion
This fight is against two dragons which share the same health pool, only one dragon is active at a time and they share the same health pool. This fight will test everyones raid awareness and reaction time.

Valiona (Active Dragon)
Blackout - Dispellable debuff that is placed on a random player in the raid (Not including the Tank). When Blackout runs out or is dispelled it causes 250,000 damage split between nearby players. You will die if not enough people are stacked when this is dispelled off you.
Devouring Flames - Valiona targets a random player and faces them, breathing flame in a frontal 180 degree cone causing 100,000 damage. You will die if you get caught in this.
Twilight Blast - While Valiona is active, Theralion casts Twilight Blast which hits for roughly 20k to the target and an equal amount to anyone within 8 yards of the target area.
Transition - When Valiona begins to transition, Theralion casts dazzling destruction which leave white swirls around the room. Do not stand in these. If you get caught in a swirl you will be phased into the twilight realm filled with static orbs that do massive damage when touched. If you do get caught in the twilight realm the idea is to make your way through the static orbs to a portal to port back into the fight.

Theralion (Active Dragon)
Engulfing Magic - Targets a random player in the raid causing them to do damage equal to any healing or damage they do to all allies within 10 yards for 20 seconds. (Looks like your casting nonstop arcane explosion)
Fabolous Flames - Large purple flame circle that is placed towards a random raid member, causes roughly 10,000 damage per second.
Twilight Meteorite - Debuff placed on a random player, lasts 6 seconds, after 6 seconds a meteor will land on the target causing 100k+ damage spread among any nearby players.
Twilight Flame Breath - While Theralion is active, Valiona flies from one side of the room to the other, leaving a trail of flame in her path causing around 15,000 damage per second and sends players caught in it to the twilight realm. This effects only 1/3 the room at a time, split lengthwise (Side, Middle, Side)

This fight is basically two phases. When Valiona is active you have to worry about a certain set of abilities, and when Theralion is active you worry about a different set of abilities. Only one dragon is active at a time and they constantly swap until killed. This is a one Tank fight. So have one of the tanks DPS.
Valiona active:
The key here is to spread out closely around the boss, so you have enough time to run in and stack for blackout damage to be dispersed through the raid, and be close enough to run behind the boss when she does Devouring Flame (her 180 degree frontal breath). Tank her around her starting area, so you can move as a group to the left of the room during dazzling destruction.
1. Spread closely around the boss so you dont have too many people taking Twilight Blast hits (Unavoidable, Theralion shoots them down at you while hes in the air)
2. Set a stack point for Blackout. The best place is usually direction behind the boss. When she casts blackout the raid must quickly run in and stack quickly, the debuff has to be dispelled (The raid will take heavy raid damage so make sure everyone is nearly topped off) and then quickly run out and spread again to prevent the raid from taking unnecessary Twilight Blast damage (This are the meteor like things falling from the sky, they effect anyone within 8 yards of impact point)
3. Stay close to the boss at all times, when Valiona targets a random raid member and casts Devouring Flames, quickly run out of danger (The effected area is the half of the room Valiona is facing, so run behind her or towards her back legs)
4. When Valiona begins to transition, Theralion will start casting Dazzling Destruction, he makes swirls on the ground which everyone needs to avoid, if you stand in these too long you get ported into the twilight realm.

Theralion Active
1. Organize two groups, a melee group and a ranged group. The ranged group should have at least 5 people in it. The ranged group will stack at ranged from Theralion, and stay stacked with the exception of the person who gets the Engulfing Magic debuff. We have this group stack so the Twilight Meteorite is spread amongst people when it hits and doesnt one-shot its target. Stacking also allows more control of the void zones Theralion drops. You ideally want to tank Theralion in the middle with as little movement as possible, with your ranged group moving in a circle around the tank. The ranged group only moves when a void zone is dropped on them. If you only have two melee in your group, make sure the melee with the Twilight Meteorite debuff runs to the range to spread the damage or he will die, he has 6 seconds to run to the ranged before the Meteorite drops.
2. The player targeted with Engulfing Magic should seperate themselves from the raid and run off by themselves until the debuff wears off. The only exception to this is if they are also targeted by a meteorite, in which they stop healing and dps all together until it is safe to run out. Engulfing Magic only damages players around that person, so the targeted player is free to heal and dps as long as he is away from others.
3. Movement - Theralion is all about movement and awareness. Tank Theralion around the center of the room so you have enough time to react to Valionas Deep Breath. Valiona flies from one side of the room to the other , covering 1/3 of the room in fire. You need to avoid this. You can see which part of the room she breaths on if you watch her closely before she starts flying across the room. Aware the raid which side of the room is safe/not safe so they can move accordingly. If you get hit by deep breath you will die or get ported into the twilight realm.

The entire fight just switches between Valiona or Theralion being active until they are dead. Valiona is always the first active dragon.

- Assign a dispeller for blackout
-Assign a person to stack on for the ranged group when Theralion is active to avoid confusion
-*Watch for deep breath when Theralion is active, this requires adjusting your camera angles to better avoid death/unnecessary raid damage.


Posts : 58
Join date : 2011-01-08

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